A future in which New York Harbor is the center of a rich, diverse, and abundant estuary. The communities that surround this complex ecosystem have helped construct it, and in return benefit from it, with endless opportunities for work, education, and recreation. The harbor is a world-class public space, well used and well cared for—our Commons.

Our Impact

It took less than 100 years for New Yorkers to wipe out the oyster population in NY Harbor. Now, Billion Oyster Project is rebuilding this important natural resource and habitat. Here’s what we’ve accomplished, since 2014, with the help of students, volunteers, and partners.


122 Million

Live Oysters Restored

2.5 Million

Pounds Of Shells Collected


NYC Students Engaged


Billion Oyster Project is restoring oyster reefs to New York Harbor in collaboration with New York City communities. Oyster reefs provide habitat for hundreds of species, and can protect our city from storm damage — softening the blow of large waves, reducing flooding, and preventing erosion along the shorelines. Field stations are restoration sites where Billion Oyster Project, or our partner organizations, host regular field days utilizing an oyster installation. They are targeted for long-term community and student engagement with an emphasis on local involvement.



K–12 STEM Curriculum

We are proud to work with more than 100 schools across New York City. Our hands-on introduction to STEM education invites students to engage with New York Harbor and trains them as scientists — working to solve a local environmental challenge. GET INVOLVED.

The Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

The Harbor School is a public high school on Governors Island focused on preparation for maritime careers. Students enroll in one of seven Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study, leading to industry certification. LEARN MORE.

In the News

The key to solving the challenges of climate change is changing human behavior, and humans aren’t going to change their behavior without a direct connection to the natural world.

— Pete Malinowski, Executive Director & Co-Founder
Read more on our Press page


Become a Member

Help us raise funds for our education and restoration initiatives by becoming a Billion Oyster Project member today. Learn more about member benefits!

Volunteer with Us

Join our community of nearly 15,000 volunteers who share our determination to restore New York Harbor.

Make a Donation

Donate today to support our mission to restore oyster reefs to New York Harbor through public education initiatives.